Wednesday 8 February 2012


Why do our stars always play with our feelings like that?
They found themselves in the same situation in South-Africa now it's Equatorial Guinea.
When are they going to change this style which gives most Ghanaians Hypertension?

What was going through the mind of Asamoah Gyan?
Did he think he was a magician?
What is also wrong with Kojo Asamoah?
Doesn't he know where the net is?

Charley we've got a long way to go.
It isn't about playing well, it's about scoring goals and winning.
Let's wait and see what surprise they have for us against Mali one more time.
Mind you, the Malians are not going to sit down for the stars to win again.
So they have to do their best this time

Hey! This is Just Albie's View.
What's Yours?

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